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Čo priniesol január? Zmenu vízie i prvý digitálny Žurnál

What did January bring? Change of vision and the first digital Journal

Čo priniesol január? Zmenu vízie i prvý digitálny Žurnál

What did January bring? Change of vision and the first digital Journal

It has been over two years since you received regular monthly reports from us . And we are very pleased that you still enjoy it - the average opening rate of over 50% says it all. Thank you for be...

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Vypredali sme všetky Žurnály. Tak ti ich dávame zadarmo

We have sold out all Journals. So we give them to you for free

That's right, you won't find any Yearbook, Yearbook Plus or Half Yearbook on our website anymore. Yes, there are still undated versions. But they are not for everyone. However, since we believ...

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5 vychytávok Žurnálu, ktoré možno prehliadaš

5 features of the Journal that you might be overlooking

You can often hear from us about the Žurnál method or the practical page layout that diaries are proud of. However, they also hide many inconspicuous gadgets that you may have missed until now. ...

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Neprepáľ to: Ako si v roku 2023 naplánovať menej a stihnúť viac
mentálne zdravie

Don't burn it: How to plan less and get more done in 2023

Do you delay every year that you will start exercising, eat healthy, learn English or start your own business?  And then these resolutions fizzle out as quickly as the bubbles from New Year's c...

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Ako si vybrať ten správny diár?

How to choose the right diary?

At the beginning of our journey there was a dated diary. Today you have several to choose from, so we completely understand if you can't decide which one is right for you. It is even more diffic...

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Špeciálne Októbrovo-novembrové zápisky: Nová edícia diárov, útulne i knižná novinka pre milovníkov hôr

Special October-November notebooks: New edition of diaries, cozy and book novelty for mountain lovers

A lot has happened recently. The final quarter is difficult in itself, and when unexpected complications and changes are added to it, diaries are bursting at the seams under the weight of responsi...

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Sebarozvoj je všade. Ako sa z toho nezblázniť?
mentálne zdravie

Self-development is everywhere. How not to go crazy?

We've been talking about healthy and unhealthy self-development for some time now. The number of speculators inviting you to webinars that will change your life, or motivational writers for whom th...

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Objav edíciu Žurnálov na rok 2023

Discover the 2023 edition of Journals

So here it is again. The most anticipated day of the year for every Journalist. 🎉 We present to you the new edition of Journals for the year 2023 . Again, you can count on honest production, tradi...

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Spoľahni sa na vlastný rozum

Rely on your own mind

Also, do you get invited to webinars that will lead you in a straight line to riches? Did your friend recommend "the one book you need to read to become a successful person?" 💸 The fast way "up"...

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Čo priniesol september? Dobrý trh, knihu pre malých turistov i otvorenie útulne

What did September bring? A good market, a book for small tourists and the opening of a cozy restaurant

We believe that even after the third quarter, you don't let go of your annual or half-yearly goals like the leaves on the branches. 🍂 The dry weather also tests our zest for life, but every time we...

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